매주 목요이 마다 팀 내 몇 명과 함께 영어 발표 스터디를 한다. 주제는 아무거나. 주로 자신에게 있었던 일상적인 일로 정했지만, 그것이 이벤트가 되었던 여행이 되었던 괜찮고, 또 나누고 싶은 좋은 기사나 프리젠테이션, 혹은 요리나 음식에 관한 것 등 주제가 다양하다. 다만 영어로만 한다는 점. 참여하는 사람은 4명 정도다.
어제는 무얼할까 한 주 내내 고민하다가 구글 플러스에 백업된 지난 사진들을 보니 아들 보배가 좋아하는 것들이 눈에 많이 보였다. 그래서 주제를 "My Son's Favorite Things"로 정하고 간단하게 파워포인트 3장에 몇개 사진 넣어서 발표했다. 다들 재미있어했다. 다른 사람들은 지난 주말에 산에 간 이야기, 뉴욕의 명소, 그리고 네이티브와 영어로 메일을 주고 받은 일상에 대해 소개했다.
이 모임에 영어 네이트브나 교정을 해주는 사람이 없이 우리끼리 말하고 끝낸다. 그래서 내가 발표한 것을 여기에 옮기는 것도 많이 틀릴 수 있지만 그저 자주 보고, 앞으로 계속 일상에 대해 영어로 말하는 습관을 들이기 위해 하는 것이다.
First thing is playground. No matter about
wherever playground is. He is always OK that is even small in my apartment, or
that is also big like Everland. Both of thme is same to my son until now, just
until now.
Second thing is a car. He bought this car
in flea market last Sunday. Actually this was very dirty, when I saw it. So I
didn’t want to buy it. But He grizzled and cried but there was no choice to
only buy it to him. So His mom cleaned every nook and corner inside of the car. Finally he got the car, then he look like very happy and smiled eventually.
And third thing is the animal especially
the elephant even like a doll. Now a days, going to the mart, my son directly
go to the toy section. Why is the toy section placed at the entrance of mart? I
realized why it is that I have kids in my family. So in this picture, my son
didn’t keep going any more, even though there was a lot of things to have to do. He
want to get this animal doll - one is tiger and
another is elephant. Finally I and my son compromised to buy only one that
is elephant, later on. So he continuously talk about how do he likes elephant after leave mart. I promised that if he likes that until May next month, I buy it to him as
children's day presents. So he continue to say “I love the elephant, I love the elephant ... !!” restless
at home.
Next, My son really like thing is going to the
Zoo. That picture is taken in the zoo which name is 테마주주동물원
in Il-San. I think an admission ticket
was very expensive for all my family. This zoo’s main feature is that we can
feed directly animals and can look closely them.
Second thing in this page, is balloon
playground that is very good to young kids in winter very cold weather. And my son
also loves this place. There are a lot of playground such as mart, shopping mall
and so on, even though in my apartment once in a while.
Third thing is reading books especially
just before turn off the light. I say to my son. “Young boy! Come on, go to the
bed, and have to sleep!”, and then my son response instantly “No. I want to
read the book, read to me, one, two, three!!” this is conversation before fall
Last thing is kitchen play structure is a
kind of toy. He cooked as this toy and give it to me every night. I think he
loves cook like his mom. And upper picture that is very funny. My son is having
this toy taken by my daughter. She is very active not like my son. So My
daughter always win him. My son also concede as well.
Thank you~!
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